10% Cashback10% Cashback*

Adelaide City Highlights Private Walking Tour

For solo travellers who want a private guide or small group private tours so you can discover Adelaide city at your own pace

Duration1 Hr 30 Mins
Start & End Time
Start & End Time2pm to 3:30pm
Pick-Up & Drop-Off
Pick-Up & Drop-OffNot Included
Fitness Level
Fitness LevelEasy
Start & End Location
Start & End LocationAdelaide
Best Seller
Best Seller
AccessibleWheelchair Friendly

Adelaide City Highlights Private Walking Tour Highlights

  • Get up to 10% cash back per person when you book with us

  • This tour is tailored to suit your own pace around Adelaide with three options:

    1. Private tour for solo travellers

    2. Private tour for small groups (2 or more people)

    3. An extended walking tour option tailored around the city (Solo or Small Groups)

  • An experienced local guide to answer your questions every step of the way 

  • Lots of local tips on where to eat, shop and see art in Adelaide and what to do next on your trip 

  • Departure is from the iconic Malls Balls in Rundle Mall at 2pm (unless otherwise specified) 

What to Expect

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the tour run if it's raining?

The tour runs in rain, hail or shine – until the hot weather policy kicks in. If a day’s forecast is a temperature of 44 degrees Celsius or higher 12-24 hours before any tour begins, it will be cancelled and notification will be sent out. Walkers will be contacted for the option of a refund or rescheduling.

Otherwise, we follow a European mentality: “There is no such thing as bad weather, there is only bad clothing.”

We most certainly do! Share details of your group size, company and what you would like from a tour. Whether it’s for a group bonding exercise or educational purposes, we can work together to create a relevant event!

Private tours can be as big or as small as requested. They are available for everyone, from a solo traveller, to a family, to a corporate or school group.

Reviews for Adelaide City Highlights Private Walking Tour

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Terms & Conditions:
Cancellation Policy:
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All customer cancellation & refund requests are also subject to our website’s own refund conditions.

Tour Operator

Flamboyance Tours
100 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia