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Vivid Lights Secret Bar Crawl in Sydney

Sydney, Australia

Enjoy an epic bar crawl through Sydney and visit three of the city’s best hidden gems while taking in the incredible Vivid Lights artworks around you.

Duration3.5 hours
Start & End Time
Start & End Time6.30 pm - 10 pm
Max Group Size
Max Group Size12 people
Minimum Age
Minimum Age18 years old
Start & End Location
Start & End LocationSydney, NSW

Vivid Lights Secret Bar Crawl in Sydney Highlights

  • Get up to 10% cashback per person when you book with us!
  • 3.5 hour guided bar crawl across Sydney
  • 1 complimentary alcoholic beverage (beer or wine)
  • Delicious bar food to share
  • Reservations at 3 hidden/small bars within the city
  • Photos of your tour shared afterwards
  • A useful map of personally recommended bars

What to Expect

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the group size for this tour?

This bar crawl through Sydney caters for groups of 4 – 12 people. As a small group tour, you'll have the chance to really connect with your group as you explore the best bars in Sydney together. 

Yes, please eat beforehand or arrive at your specified meeting point early so you can get some food at the first bar. While there will be an opportunity to enjoy some shared food later on in the night, we don’t recommend showing up on an empty stomach. 

Yes! While you might think a Secret Bar Crawl involves consuming a lot of alcoholic beverages, this is not your average “pub crawl” with strong shots and sticky dance floors. You are welcome to drink as much (within reason) or as little as you like.


In fact, we often have guests join the Secret Bar Crawl who don’t drink at all and are just looking for a fun night out visiting some cool new venues. Drinking alcohol is not at all necessary to enjoy one of our tours!

If it starts raining, the tour must go on, so grab an umbrella or rain jacket and get out there! Local Sauce Tours are held rain or shine, and unless the weather takes a dangerous turn (which is pretty rare) this bar crawl will proceed. Please check the conditions and dress appropriately. This tour involves a fair amount of time indoors, so if it starts to pour, your guide will simply adjust the bar crawl route as necessary to keep you as dry as possible. 

Reviews for Vivid Lights Secret Bar Crawl in Sydney


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Terms & Conditions:
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Cancellation Policy:
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All customer cancellation & refund requests are also subject to our website’s own refund conditions.

Tour Operator

Local Sauce Tours
Sydney, Australia