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South Island Kaikoura Whale Watching Tour

Kaikoura, New Zealand

Take an epic day trip from Christchurch to one of the best whale watching spots in the world, Kaikoura, where the mountains meet the sea

Start & End Time
Start & End Time7:30am to 6pm
Pick-Up & Drop-Off
Pick-Up & Drop-OffIncluded
Minimum Age
Minimum Age3+
Start & End Location
Start & End LocationChristchurch Accomodation
Best Seller
Best Seller

South Island Kaikoura Whale Watching Tour Highlights

  • Get up to 10% back per person when you book with us 

  • A day trip of from Christchurch for a cruise in one of the world's best whale-watching locations 

  • Travel comfortably in a deluxe minivan from Christchurch to the Kaikoura Peninsula  

  • Take a cruise and spot Sperm Whales and Dusky Dolphins out on the sea 

  • local guide to answer your questions and share information about the marine life in the area 

  • The tour includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea 

  • Courtesy return transfers to your Christchurch accommodation

What to Expect

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should you wear?

It is advisable to wear comfortable clothing suitable for being active and, as you will be in the mountains or on the ocean, a wind proof top is a must. It is advisable to wear layers of clothing that can be added and/or removed.

The following is recommended:

  • Wind/shower proof jacket that will keep you dry in a sharp shower
  • Sweater or jacket suitable for cooler weather, made of material that retains warmth when damp from sweat or drizzle
  • Hat (type depending on weather) 

DAY PACK (or bag you can carry and have both hands free) sunscreen (high SPF) sunglasses water bottle lip balm camera with extra card, spare batteries.

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Terms & Conditions:
Cancellation Policy:
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All customer cancellation & refund requests are also subject to our website’s own refund conditions.

Tour Operator

Canterbury Trails
47 West End, Kaikōura 7300, New Zealand